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DCE 5.0-20240330 Enterprise Released

This page explains the latest features, improvements and bug fixes, included in DCE 5.0-20240330 Enterprise. DCE 5.0 modularizes each product module, and the versions included in this release are the default versions in the DCE 5.0 installer. If you need to independently upgrade or replace each module, please contact Daocloud's support team to download the proper versions and upgrade. Please also refer to DCE 5.0 Enterprise Deployment Requirements.

Included Modules

Category Module Version Compatible K8s Version
Installation Installer v0.16.0 K8s 1.24 - 1.27
Kubean v0.13.9 K8s 1.18 - 1.27
Workbench Workbench v0.25.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
Container Container Management v0.26.1 K8s 1.18 - 1.27
Multicloud Management v0.17.0 K8s 1.18 - 1.27
Container Registry v0.16.1 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
Networking v0.13.0 K8s 1.18 - 1.27
Storage HwameiStor v0.14.4 K8s 1.18 - 1.27
Virtual Machine v0.7.1 K8s 1.18 - 1.27
Insight Insight v0.25.0 K8s 1.19 - 1.27
Microservices Microservice Engine v0.35.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
Service Mesh v0.24.1 K8s 1.21 - 1.27
Middleware RabbitMQ v0.18.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
MySQL v0.16.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
ElasticSearch v0.15.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
Redis v0.16.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
MinIO v0.13.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
PostgreSQL v0.10.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
MongoDB v0.8.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
Kafka v0.13.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
RocketMQ v0.5.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
Cloud Native AI Intelligent Engine v0.3.0 K8s 1.25 - 1.29
Edge Computing Cloud Edge Collaboration v0.9.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
Management Global Management v0.25.1 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
Operations Management v0.6.1 K8s 1.23 - 1.27

Features and Improvements

Detailed feature descriptions are reflected in the Release Notes of each version in the table above. Here are some brief descriptions of new features and improvements.

Intelligent Engine v0.3.0 🆕

  • Added Model development tool - Notebook
  • Added support for popular AI model development frameworks - Pytorch, TensorFlow, Paddle
  • Added support for model inference - One-click start of model serving
  • Added support for dataset management - One-click integration with popular data sources and code sources, support for data preheating

Installer v0.16.0

  • Improved support for deploying on Rocky Linux 9.2 x86 with containerd
  • Improved Added manual trimming tool script for offline package

Kubean v0.13.9

  • Improved Enable real-time recovery for Docker
  • Fixed an issue with building Ubuntu 20.04 os-pkg package, specify containerd version as 1.6.28-1 when installing Docker

Workbench v0.25.0

  • Improved Improved user interface and logic for creating native applications, support for creating workload resources separately
  • Fixed an issue where credentials, SonarQube, email configurations were lost after switching Jenkins instances

Container Management v0.26.1

  • Added support for connecting to Master nodes
  • Added vGPU support for oversubscription of computing resources
  • Added CloudTTY provides SSH proxy functionality

Multicloud Management v0.17.0

  • Added Delete protection for multicloud resources
  • Improved Upgraded Karmada version to v1.8.0

Container Registry v0.16.1

  • Fixed an issue where deleting images in Docker Registry failed
  • Fixed an issue where creating image garbage collection rules failed for regular tenants (wsadmin permissions)

Cloud Native Network v0.13.0

  • Fixed Before deleting SpiderMultusConfig resources, iterate through all SpiderIPPool resources and remove the SpiderMultusConfig string bound in the SpiderIPPool.Spec.MultusName field
  • Fixed an issue where the namespace parameter was not effective when deleting multus and sriov

HwameiStor v0.14.4

  • Improved Delete local mount path when unmounting data volumes
  • Improved Added PoolHDD FreeCap print column

Virtual Machine v0.7.1

  • Added support for configuring GPUs for virtual machines
  • Added support for integrating audit logs

Insight v0.25.0

  • Insight Server v0.25.0

    • Added support for log correlation, filtering based on TraceID and Pods
    • Added support for customizing whether to initialize log indexes during installation

Microservice Engine v0.35.0

  • Added Cloud Native Gateway API can perform route matching based on request parameters
  • Added Custom password support for distributed transaction Seata

Service Mesh v0.24.1

  • Added Improved mesh gateway, support for mesh deployment affinity and mesh traffic observability dashboard
  • Fixed an issue with double data in metrics and inaccurate client metrics


  • Added support for creating Kafka instances using templates
  • Fixed an issue where Redis sentinel mode became unavailable after the master went down

Cloud Edge Collaboration v0.9.0

  • Added support for user-defined installation of MQTT service
  • Improved support for more differentiated configuration of workloads in different node groups, such as resource quotas, startup commands, environment variables

Global Management v0.25.1

  • Added Report Management - Pod Reports now include GPU statistics
  • Added Accounting and Billing - Pod Billing now includes GPU billing
  • Added support for displaying navigation menu based on permissions

Upgrade Notes

  • Container Management : When upgrading from v0.21.x to v0.22.0 or higher, if the Global cluster uses Redis in sentinel mode, you need to change --set global.db.redis.url during the upgrade.
  • Global Management : When upgrading from v0.15.x (or lower versions) to v0.21.0 (or higher versions), the database connection Helm parameter format needs to be modified. For details, refer to Offline Upgrade of Global Management.
  • Workbench : When upgrading from versions before v0.21.0 to this version, GitOps applications may disappear. It is recommended not to upgrade to this version directly, but upgrade to v0.22.0 or later versions.
  • Redis Cache Service : When upgrading from Redis v0.14.0 to v0.15.0, because this iteration includes the upgrade of Redis Operator, the cluster of Redis standalone and master-slave mode will be restarted during the upgrade!



Global Management: Once the global management is upgraded to v0.25.0 or above, other modules must be upgraded to the proper versions, otherwise the interface cannot be accessed normally!

The versions supported by Global Management v0.24.0 are as follows:

  • Workbench v0.17.3 and above
  • Container Management v0.18.1 and above
  • Multicloud Management v0.9.1 and above
  • Container Registry v0.8.0 and above
  • Insight v0.17.2 and above
  • Microservice Engine v0.22.0 and above
  • Service Mesh v0.16.2 and above
  • Middleware RabbitMQ v0.11.0 and above
  • Middleware MySQL v0.9.0 and above
  • Middleware ElasticSearch v0.8.0 and above
  • Middleware Redis v0.8.0 and above
  • Middleware MinIO v0.6.0 and above
  • Middleware Kafka v0.6.0 and above
  • Middleware PostgreSQL v0.2.0 and above
  • Middleware MongoDB v0.1.0 and above
  • Middleware RocketMQ v0.2.0 and above

Known Issues

Known issues for installer v0.16.0, see Installation Troubleshooting.


